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Friday, December 27, 2013
Kenny Rogers Roasters

Misi KRR
Menjadi suasana tempat makan kasual lagi selesa diluar kediaman anda yang menyediakan layanan mesra.

Visi KRR

Menjadi menu ayam panggang pilihan yang lazat dan menyihatkan.
Peluang Perniagaan :
Kenapa KRR?

a. Menu yang menyihatkan lagi segar dan hidangan yang berkualiti

Pengguna hari ini membuat pilihan gaya hidup sihat dengan menjadi lebih sedar apa yang mereka makan dan mengambil makanan berkhasiat yang bukan sahaja sihat tetapi mudah. Pengambilan ayam semakin meningkat dan ayam panggangnya Kenny Rogers Roasters 'yang digaul di dalam sitrus herba, dan rempah semula jadi menyediakan pengguna alternatif yang sihat dan mudah untuk ayam goreng tradisional. Di samping itu, menu Kenny Rogers Roasters 'hidangan sampingan yang dimakan panas dan sejuk memberi pengguna pilihan pelbagai makanan segar dan menyenangkan.

b. Kesedaran di luar Minda

Usaha pemasaran kami sentiasa memberi penekanan kepada Kenny Rogers Roasters sebagai "tempat kegemaran untuk ayam panggangnya", sifat-sifat yang sihat dan perbezaan yang unik bagi mewujudkan berterusan top-of-the-minda kesedaran dan peringatan dalam minda pengguna.

c. Harga menarik

Kenny Rogers Roasters menawarkan nilai untuk wang-mutlak yang diterjemahkan kepada makanan berkhasiat yang menarik pada harga kemudahan restoran perkhidmatan penuh.

Peluang francais:

Menjadi Francaisi?

a.    Komitmen ke arah Kecemerlangan

Kenny Rogers Roasters dibina di atas asas yang kukuh reputasi yang kukuh, sistem perniagaan yang telah terbukti, latihan secara menyeluruh dan sokongan.

b. Konsep KRR

 Menyampaikan KRR Pengalaman konsisten dan tegas setiap hari dan setiap masa.

Pelaburan Anda:

Struktur yuran dan Modal Sediakan Kos seperti berikut: -

Francais Bayaran                                 : USD 25.000

Bayaran royalti & Pemasaran               : 5%

Modal kos setup satu restoran untuk    : MYR 250,000

purata 2500 kaki persegi



 a) Anugerah Pilihan Amerika (American’s Choice Award)

Dianugerahkan 3 kali berturut-turut (1996, 1997 & 1998) untuk Ayam Rantaian Terbaik oleh Majalah Restoran dan Institusi (Best Chicken Chain by Restaurants and Institutions Magazine).

 b) Francaisi Induk Tahunan (Master Franchisee of the Year)

Diberikan untuk dua tempoh berturut-turut (2000/2001 & 2002/2003) oleh Persatuan Francais Malaysia. Dan sekali lagi, telah dianugerahkan Francaisi Induk Tahun 2009.

c) Asia Pasifik Antarabangsa Kejujuran Enterprise - Keris Award

Ini merupakan pengiktirafan anugerah menarik yang berjaya dianjurkan setiap tahun sejak tahun 2002 oleh Persatuan Pembangunan Usahawan Malaysia. Objektif utama anugerah itu ialah untuk membezakan daripada syarikat-syarikat yang mempunyai prestasi cemerlang dan bertindak dengan jujur​​. Kejujuran mewakili gaya yang mengendalikan dan menguruskan sesebuah syarikat, reputasi serta imej awam di pasaran. Roasters Asia Pacific telah menerima anugerah bagi tahun 2006 dan 2007.

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Petronas, ringkasan nama bagi Petroliam Nasional Berhad,adalah syarikat minyak dan gas Malaysia sepenuhnya telah ditubuhkan pada 17 Ogos 1974. Dimiliki oleh kerajaan Malaysia sepenuhnya, syarikat ini telah mendapat hak keseluruhan terhadap sumber-sumber minyak dan gas di Malaysia dan diamanahkan dengan tanggungjawab membangunkan dan menambah nilai kepada sumber-sumber tersebut.Fortune Global 500 telah meletakkan Petronas sebagai sebuah syarikat ke-95 terbesar di dunia pada tahun 2008 dan ke-80 terbesar pada tahun 2009. Ia juga meletakkan Petronas sebagai syarikat perbadanan ke-13 paling banyak membuat keuntungan di dunia dan yang paling banyak keuntungan di Asia

Semenjak diperbadankan, Petronas sudah membesar menjadi syarikat minyak dan gas dengan kepentingan perniagaan di dalam 31 negara. Sehingga akhir bulan Mac 2005, Kumpullan Petronas mengandungi 103 milik sendiri subsidiari-subsidiari, 19 syarikat kelengkapan-kelengkapan milik sebahagiannya dan yang dipunyai separuhnya dan 57 syarikat bersekutu. Bersama-sama ini, membuatkan Kumpulan Petronas, yang terlibat di dalam pelbagai aktiviti-aktiviti berasaskan minyak dan gas. Majalah Financial Times telah mengenal pasti Petronas sebagai satu daripada " "seven sisters" yang baru" syarikat minyak dan gas milik kerajaan yang paling berpengaruh di luar OECD.

Kumpulan ini tertumpu kepada satu spektrum aktiviti petroleum yang luas, termasuklah eksplorasi huluan dan penghasilan minyak dan gas kepada hiliran penapisan minyak; pemasaran dan pengagihan produk petroleum; perdagangan; pemprosesan gas dan pencecairan; operasi rangkaian penghantaran gas talian paip ; pemasaran gas cecair semulajadi; pengilangan dan pemasaran petrokimia; perkapalan; kejuruteraan automotif; dan pelaburan hartanah.

Menara Berkembar Petronas telah dibuka secara rasminya pada Hari Kemerdekaan Malaysia ke-42, Ogos 31, 1998 - dalam perayaan hari ulang tahun syarikat ke-24.

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Kentucky Fried Chicken  (KFC)

Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) yang mempunyai pusat operasi di Louisville, Kentucky, Amerika Syarikat merupakan bahagian Yum! Brands.Diasaskan oleh Kolonel Harland Sanders, KFC terkenal kerana ayam gorengnya yang merupakan ketul ayam dalam campuran tepung gandum, garam, lada hitam, dan monosodium glutamat yang dimasak dengan minyak panas di dalam periuk tekanan.
Saluran keluar KFC yang pertama di dunia diasaskan pada tahun 1939 di Corbin, Kentucky. Pada tahun 1952, francais yang sulungnya diasakan di apa yang kini digelarkan South Salt Lake, Utah oleh Harland Sanders dan Pete Harman. Sanders menjual keseluruh francais KFCnya pada tahun 1964 untuk AS$2 juta. Sejak waktu itu, francais ini telah dijual sebanyak tiga kali lagi. Pemilik yang terkini ialah Pepsico yang menjadikannya sebagai sebahagian Tricon Global Restaurants, yang kini digelarkan Yum! Brands

KFC Malaysia dipegang oleh KFC Holdings Bhd., satu syarikat kepunyaan Kulim Berhad. Logo KFC lama Logo KFC baru Kilang Ayamas di Bandar Tenggara, Kota Tinggi. KFC Malaysia mengakhiri 2001 dengan kejayaan cemerlang apabila memenangi tiga anugerah pada Persidangan Pemasaran Francais Asia anjuran Tricon Restaurants International yang diadakan di Bangkok, baru-baru ini.

Gambar menunjukkan salah satu set makanan. KFC Malaysia memenangi anugerah Best New Product Launch 2001 bagi Wakiki Burger yang dilancarkan pada Julai lalu, anugerah Best Consumer Insights Mining 2001 dan anugerah Best Kids Program 2001, masing-masing pada peringkat Asia. Ketiga-tiga anugerah yang dimenangi itu, mendapat persaingan hebat dari Brunei Darussalam, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Jepun, Korea, Filipina, Singapura, Taiwan dan Thailand. Wakiki Burger sangat popular bagi penggemar burger ialah filet ayam perap, pedas serta bersari yang disalut dengan serbuk roti dan digoreng sehingga rangup berwarna kuning keemasan. Filet ayam diletakkan antara dua ban bijan suam serta dilapiskan dengan daun salad segar serta rangup.

Naib Presiden Pemasaran Kumpulan, KFC Holdings (Malaysia) Bhd, SK Wong, berkata syarikat membelanjakan lebih daripada RM4 juta bagi kempen iklan dan promosi bersepadu sepenuhnya untuk pelancarannya yang mencatatkan kejayaan cemerlang.“Antaranya ialah iklan di televisyen, radio, akhbar dan luar premis termasuk bas dan tren, bahan lengkap untuk mata jualan dan pakaian seragam baru untuk kakitangan,” kata Wong.Beliau berkata, KFC Malaysia turut mengemukakan cabaran kepada pelanggan dalam bentuk jaminan kepuasan produk atau wang yang dikembalikan dengan setiap jualan.Anugerah Best Consumer Insight Mining 2001 adalah untuk perintisan KFC Malaysia dalam perisian komputer ESPRI bagi mendapatkan data penyelidikan Brand Image Tracking dan Consumer Experience Monitor untuk mengumpul pandangan bernilai terhadap sikap dan tingkah laku pengguna.

Anugerah Best Kids Program 2001 pula adalah untuk kegiatan pemasaran bagi kanak-kanak yang sudah diiktiraf sebagai ‘terbaik dalam kategorinya’ pada peringkat Asia sejak 1994. KFC Malaysia melaksanakan pelbagai program yang menyeronokkan untuk kanak-kanak, termasuk maskot Chicky, KFC Kids’ Fun Club, ruang permainan di dalam restoran, Chicky Meal dan parti hari jadi.Selain itu, KFC menaja Hari Kanak-Kanak Peringkat Antarabangsa pada setiap tahun, yang kini menjadi agenda utama dalam kalendar kegiatan Hari Kanak-Kanak Peringkat Malaysia.KFC Malaysia pernah memenangi anugerah Franchisee of the Year dan anugerah Development Excellence pada 1998, anugerah Operations Excellence dan anugerah Human Resourse Excellence pada 1998 dan 1999, anugerah Finance Excellence pada 1999 dan anugerah Overall Marketing Excellence bagi Asia Pasifik 2000.
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Friday, December 13, 2013
Nelson's Ktt Product Corporation

The popular 'Nelson in cup' or 'Nelson sweet corn' is named after its founder Nelson Kwok Teng Toong who's been in the business for more than a decade. Nelson corn business was franchised in 1995 after gaining acceptance and popularity among the Malaysians. Presently, there are over 50 Nelson outlets operating throughout peninsular and East Malaysia.

NELSON'S is a truly homegrown Malaysian brand that has gone global. Twenty five years of experience in sweetcorn has given the Nelson's brand an edge in the corn and snackfood industry. There are now more than 80 outlets throughout Peninsular Malaysian Sabah and Sarawak. Overseas, Nelson's is present in more than 800 outlets in 16 countries and our China operations are targeting the opening of 100 outlets by end 2012.

In our strive to provide our franchisees and customers with quality controlled corn, Nelson's has pool of contracted farmers yielding our very own N28 specie of corn that produces succulent kernels with a high sweetness level. Our HALAL and HACCP certified processing plant in Chemor Perak ensures that the quality and sweetness of the kernels are maintained through its stringent processes. Nelson's integrated plan from farming, processing to franchising the corn in cup and snackfood concept has created vast opportunities for entrepreneurs and a job market for many in Malaysia as well as internationally.

Nelson's outlets are highly sought after by shopping mall operators because of its proven brand name with strong successes enjoyed by many franchisees, good training provided and comprehensive operating procedures. Its affordable set up cost with good returns in investment and attractively designed kiosks or premises attract instant attention in public places.

Founder’s Dato Nelson Kwok said “At Nelson's, we've established a strong foundation in helping people to set up their business. It all began with a humble corn and a bold step towards sweet success. We were the first to introduce the concept of "corn-in-cup" in Malaysia. And along with our visionary foresight, we turned it into a profitable franchising business that paved the way for Nelson's success in Malaysia, across other Asian countries to Indonesia and as far as Saudi Arabia, we have just operate in America and Germany. This is true evidence of how entrepreneurial and ambitious we are. what matters to us most is that you get a sense of pride and enjoy great success under the name ...Nelson's.”

Product offered are Corn in Cup,  Ice Cream Potong, Beverages (Ice belended Cappucino/Corn Smooties/Pearl Bubble Tea/Corn Juice) , Snacks(Corny Fish Stick/Sausage Chicken Cheese with corn/Waffle/Dorayaki/Belgian Waffle), and Corn Soup.


-                    Most Highest Sales per Square Feet of Year 2010 by KL                            

-                    Bronze Award for Industry Excellence for Franchisors 2008

-                    Global Growth Award 2008 – Gold Award

-                    The BrandLaureate - SMEs Chapter Award 2006 for Excellent in the F& B
-                    Global Growth Award - Platinum Award of Year 2006

-                    Outstanding Franchisee Year 2001

-                    Outstanding Franchisee Year 2000

-                    Largest Corn and Ice Cream Outlets in Malaysia of Year 1999

-                    Franchisor of Year 1998

-                    Outstanding Homegrown Franchise of Year 1998

Contact details:

Nelson's KTT Product Corporation Sdn Bhd
7 Jln Penyelenggaraan U1/177
Taman Perindustrian Batu 3
40150 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia

Tel: 03-5512 8228
Fax: 03-5512 6133

Category: Fast food chain
Investment: RM30k-100k

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Smart Reader Worldwide Sdn Bhd

Smart Reader Worldwide Sdn Bhd is the winner for Homegrown Franchisor 2000/2001 award and achieved Superbrand status in 2003 as well as a few other major awards. The corporation provide educational platform for kids and adults via 3 educational concepts: Smart Reader Kids, Smart Reader Kids Junior & Smart Reader English Language For Adults & Youth.

Founded in 1988 as Smart Education Centre by Dato' Sri Dr Richard Ong and Datin Sri Dato' Dr KH Wang, the organisation changed its name to Smart Reader® Worldwide Sdn Bhd in 1998. This move was made to reflect the expansion of its English Programme into the international arena.

Backed by the success of the Smart Reader® English Programme and the rich experience of the group of educationists, Smart Reader® Worldwide launched the Smart Reader Kids® concept in 1999. Tagged as Every Child's Dream School, this unique, imaginative and vibrant 21st century model child development centre has emerged very aggressively and accredited by the Malaysia Book of Records as The Largest Chain of Child Enrichment Centres in Malaysia.

With the formation of two other franchised programmes in 2000, namely Smart Reader Kids Junior® and Smart Reader English for Adults and Youths®, the organisation has evolved to become the largest educational franchise group with the establishment of more than 300 franchise centres in Malaysia. Smart Reader® Worldwide has also expanded its wings internationally by having 150 franchise centres in the Philippines, China, Thailand, Brunei and Middle East.

For an organisation that has been around for a good number of years, success is influenced by ONE key factor, QUALITY. Constant research and development and continuous upgrading of the programmes has enabled this quality product to remain at the helm, steering preschool education into a glorious and exclusive era.

For franchise Opportunities they offered

-                    Comprehensive Training & Development
-                    Lucrative Income & Returns on Investment Periodically
-                    Assistance in Marketing & Promotions
-                    Specially Designed Innovative Learning Environment
-                    Quality Teaching Materials, Tools & Equipment
-                    Constant Research & Development

Contact details:

Smart Reader Worldwide Sdn Bhd

Wisma Smart Reader
No. 68 Jln 27/70A, Desa Sri Hartamas
50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: 03-2300 2555
Fax: 03-2300 2556
Category: Education/Early Learning
Investment: RM120k++

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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Marrybrown, winner of numerous domestic and international franchise industry awards, is proudly Malaysian-owned and has over 30 years of franchise experience under its belt. The homegrown fast food chain is currently the world’s largest Halal Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) brand originating from Asia. MARRYBROWN has a strong international presence with outlets operating in Malaysia, China, Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Africa, the Middle East and Myanmar.

The halal menu features a wide variety of tasty meals including Crispy Chicken, Delicious Satay Burger, Nasi Marrybrown, Speciality Wrap, Fish ‘n’ Chips, Mi Kari, Chicken Porridge, finger foods, salads, fun fries and a range of hot and cold beverages and desserts – the only one of its kind in town and really “ something different “ for everyone.

Marrybrown, was founded in 1981, as a restaurant company that operates and franchises Marrybrown restaurants, through 15 countries throughout Asia, Middle East, and Africa.

Marrybrown is among the nation’s leading fast-food chains, with more than 130 quick-serving restaurants in Malaysia and more than 280 international restaurants. As the first major fast-food chain to develop and expand the concept of “Something Different”experiences. Marrybrown has always emphasized on halal products serving millions of guests world-wide.

As a winner of numerous awards, Marrybrown is fast expanding internationally ensuring that Marrybrown becomes a global food service organization and a worldwide brand.

Marrybrown pioneered a number of firsts in the quick-serve industry. It was the first major fast-food chain that introduced menu items that are now staples on most fast-food menu boards, including Rice based products, Chicken Porridge, Sate burger and Curry Kari.

Today, Marrybrown offers a broad selection of distinctive, innovative products targeted at the fast-food consumer. Chicken represents the core of the menu, including the signature Lucky Plate, Chicken Porridge, Nasi Marrybrown the 100% Black Pepper Chicken-A-Licious. And, because value is important to fast-food customers, the company also offers value-priced products on “All-Time snacks,” including muffins, burgers.

Our company vision is “To be a national restaurant company of most admired brand – through the power of our people and our culture”.

Our core values and mission are simple:

·        Passion for our brand
·        Food Quality and Safety
·        Continuous Improvement and Innovation
·        Care & Respect and Personal Accountability
·        Excellence in Customer Service
·        High Standards in Personnel Growth and Development through Consistent Training
·        Excellence through High Q.S.C.V
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Genius aulad’s

Genius aulad’s Established since December 2000 . As we step into Genius Aulad, we shall immediately be welcomed into its sense of reputable quality learning environment and learning experience made especially for young Muslims.

Over the years genius aulad’s constant and consistent new ideas have inspired many Islamic preschools and preschoolers to view Islamic teachings in a fun and motivating outlook.
GENIUS AULAD®’s vision is to motivate the young Muslims mindset in helping the world to be a wonderful world to live in, for everyone, Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

Zaliza Alias, the founder, owes much of her success with GENIUS AULAD® to her background in Islamic education. Zaliza, who was an English Language lecturer for many years, is responsible for syllabus design, and implementation of corporate and academic training courses. She heads the Creative Department and is actively involved in writing and producing creative works.

Zaliza also currently holds an official appointment as 1. Board of Studies, Masters Programme, Department of Psychology, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, Iinternational Islamic University (IIUM)

Board of Studies,Faculty of Education, University Of Management And Technology (Umtech) ,formerly known as UNITAR.Mohamead Hafiez Shah, the co-founder and Managing Director of GENIUS AULAD® , having garnered years of experience in the GIS/CAD industry, plays an important role in providing technical and architectural expertise to the center’s franchise operations. His eye for detailed works and experience in representing Governmental bodies are imperative in paving the path towards achieving international recognition.

The team at GENIUS AULAD® which consists of almost 300 employees spread to its 29 centres, are primed towards providing quality learning experience for Young Muslims delivered through Genius Aulad Islamic Preschools, Islamic vcd & album productions, Islamic publications.Through series of various workshops, courses and early childhood education, the Centre provides on-going programs to continually keep its team members abreast with advancements and developments in early childhood education. They are working together under various departments which are Franchise Management Department, Human Resource Department, Admin & Finance Department, Network Facility Department and Creative Department.

Genius Aulad leading preschool was established with the dream of bringing quality of preschools to a greater high based on Islamic principles, English emphasis, and cheerful well-designed facilities. It's important to realize that children are constantly being educated, whether they are aware of it or not. Education does not just apply to some type of formal education; We make the reputable preschool model possible through the implementation of the following key strategies, To attain the most reputable preschool institution embracing on Genius aulad learning concept and method which are Islamic based, English language emphasis, fun academics and lessons beyond classroom.

Genius aulad leading preschool was established with the dream of bringing quality of preschools to a greater high based on Islamic principles, English emphasis, and cheerful well-designed facilities.

Since December 2000, GENIUS AULAD® has swiftly broken preschool norms around the nation especially in its educational approach and enthusiastic children events and has risen to become the nation’s best.

With a network that grows organically to over 30 centres to date which spans through Kuala Lumpur, Selangor , Seremban, Melaka, Johor , Perak ,Kedah, and with Australia, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia in the pipeline, GENIUS AULAD® continues to pave the way for reputable Islamic preschools through our innovative ideas of facilities , continuous pedagogical improvement and a passionate approach to education and children's development.
Together with our associate companies, UNDER THE LEMON TREE ACADEMY as the refreshing Parenting and Teaching Academy, and ASSIST10 Sdn Bhd as the creative facility builder, GENIUS AULAD® is set to nurture the young Muslims to an all new high with our belief, "Lesson Beyond Classroom!".
To create future scholars who help the world for a wonderful world to live in for everyone.

To attain the most reputable preschool institution embracing on genius aulad learning concept
and method which are Islamic based, English language emphasis, fun academics and lessons beyond classroom.
a.   Create a globally recognized Islamic preschool brand.
b.   To be the best company to work for whereby teachers, management
and all employees are treated as part of a big family.
c.     Maintain the highest quality product, embracing technology to reduce
 cost and enhance service levels
Lessons Beyond Classroom!
It's important to realize that children are constantly being educated, whether they are aware of it or not. Education does not just apply to some type of formal education; it is very much a part of daily life, through what is heard, what is read, and what is seen
Genius aulad believes that since a large percentage of children spend an enormous amount of time viewing television, movies, magazines, and listening to radio, music and other media, this is a major educational element that must be incorporated into the children's daily learning.
Thus, with the motto "Lessons Beyond Classroom", genius aulad has stretched itself further than just preschool syllabus and extensively broaden the teaching horizon's into Genius Aulad's very own audio and video productions , exciting books and material publications, as well as development of programs for its very own interactive whiteboards, the Assist Board.
Genius aulad are continually vying for the minds of the children, simply as educators beyond the classroom!
Values Of Genius Aulad
We make the reputable preschool model possible through the implementation of the following key strategies,

a.   Children First : Making sure that we give all out for students to ensure that education and events for the children will be the most significant memories and lessons that will lead them to a better world here and the world hereafter.

b.   Creative Well-Designed Facilities : Partnering with trusted creative facility builders ,carefully selected maintenance providers and complying with the with the national and International standard operations.

c.    Continuous Content and Delivery Improvement : Studying the effectiveness of learning materials at all levels by continuously producing and publishing own books and learning materials which understands and meet the needs of young muslim learners.

d.   Cost-Effective : Maintaining the most reasonable preschool fee, without compromising on quality and services.

e.   Constant and Consistent Monitoring : Conducting careful planning of scheduled monthly Centre visits , Monthly teachers coaching, Weekly centre managers and teachers academic discussions, Daily individual report of every student, Monthly individual student progress bulletin, Termly and Yearly overall individual student report.

f.    Commited Dedicated Franchisees : Selecting the franchisees through rigorous stages and apprenticeship tenure to carefully evaluate the comitment and dedication of the franchisee in seeing the brand not as a business but as a commitment and social obligation to be shouldered 
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